We are beginning our 3rd year with a school-wide theme. I teach in a parochial school so the theme reflect this. The first year we were "Anchored in Faith and Excellence". We had an ocean theme and used currency with our students we called "Barnacle Bucks". Last year we went all out Hollywood with "Setting the Stage for Saintly Success". We called our currency "Star Bucks". We have a monthly store where students can spend their currency. This year our theme is "Win the World for Jesus". We are going to focus on a country each month. Instead of having paper currency this year, we are going to give each student a Passport.
The currency is all copied in the Passport and is specific to the country we are studying for the month. Students are awarded a "buck" each day and may keep it with good behavior or it may be taken away if rules are broken. We also reward students who display extraordinary behavior with extra bucks. This explains the reason for different amounts of "bucks" each week. It's kind of a complex system that we have worked to perfect over the past few years.
We will be using the left side of the pages of the booklet to collect and record facts about the countries.
Click on the picture if you'd like to see the Passport. Do you have a school-wide theme? Do you have a currency system and opportunities to spend the currency at your school? I would love to hear what you have going on!
Only 5 days until teacher meetings begin. YIKES!!!
Vision Boards-Even In Kindergarten
2 days ago
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